Chapter 9. Documentation – How to Use Sphinx and reStructuredText
Documenting code can be both fun and useful! I will admit that many programmers have a strong dislike for documenting code and understandably so. Writing documentation can be a boring job and traditionally only others reap the benefits of that effort. The tools available for Python, however, make it almost trivial to generate useful and up-to-date documentation with little to no effort at all. Generating documentation has actually become so easy that I create and generate documentation before using a Python package. Assuming it wasn't available already, that is.
In addition to simple text documentation explaining what a function does, it is also possible to add metadata, such as type hints. These type hints can be used to make the arguments and return types of a function or class clickable in the documentation. But more importantly, many modern IDEs and editors, such as VIM, have plugins available that...