Detailing sheet metal parts in the drawing environment
Inventor has specific detailing tools for sheet metal parts, which include bend tables and hole tables. The standard 2D detailing tools can also be used to communicate design intent on the design. Models can also be displayed on a drawing as flat patterns and folded parts.
In this recipe, you will learn how to generate a hole table and bend table and place folded/unfolded views of an existing sheet metal component within the drawing environment.
Getting ready
To begin this recipe, you will need to create a new ISO (mm) .
How to do it…
First, we will import the views of a ready-made component in both the Folded and Flat Pattern states:
- Select Base.
- Select the Browse command and search for and locate
Detail Sheet Metal.ipt
in theChapter 12
folder. Select Open.
Figure 12.71: Detail Sheet Metal.ipt selected to apply a base view to a drawing
- You will notice...