Soldier poses
Typically, animation clips are authored based on a set number of poses that an agent can be in. For example, our melee animations are only authored to be blended together with our soldier's standing idle aim pose.
Poses are very important when we lay out which animations our agent has at its disposal at any given time. Otherwise, we'll need to transition our agent into another pose first before playing our desired animation.
Our soldier model has five basic poses we need to be aware of: his standing idle aim pose, his running aim pose, his running pose, his crouch aim pose, and lastly, his crouch walk pose.
Almost all of the soldiers animations can be played quickly from the standing idle pose as the pose has no deviations in the movement during the playback.

The standing idle aim pose
In contrast, playing animations from the run pose will require some compensation for the animations' movement and possible foot positions.

The standing forward run aim pose
The standing...