Creating unit tests
Unit tests are tests that test a small piece of testable software. Does this functionality behave as expected? These tests should be fast, used directly on the developer system (and run with CI as well). With the Visual Studio Live Unit Testing feature (part of Visual Studio Enterprise), unit tests run while the code is updated, even before saving the source code.
The cost of bugs grows during the software development life cycle (SDLC). When bugs are found late (for example, in production), the cost grows exponentially. For fixing bugs early (for example, while typing the code), Visual Studio can give hints and show errors; as we are already working on the code, it’s not necessary to take the time to dive into the functionality as we are already working on it. For finding bugs with other test types (for example, integration or load tests), the fixes are more expensive – but of course, a lot less expensive than finding a bug in production.
A goal...