Understanding IEEE 802.11
At the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), several groups of technical professionals as a committee are working on projects, and one of these is 802, which is responsible for developing Local Area Networks (LAN) standards. Specifically, 802.11 contains WLAN standards.
There are a couple of 802.11 standards, for an outmost coverage of standards we will discuss the multiple of them such as 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, and 802.11n:
- 802.11: Supports a network bandwidth of 1-2 Mbps. This is the reason why many 802.11-compatible devices have become obsolete.
- 802.11b: This specification uses a signaling frequency of 2.4 Ghz like the 802.11 standard. Technically, a maximum of 11 Mbit transmission rate can be achieved over a 2.4 Ghz band using b specification.
The 802.11b band is divided into 14 overlapping channels, where every channel has 22 Mhz widths. In one instance, there can be a maximum of three non-overlapping channels operating at the same time...