BRM concept
Throughout this book, the words process, practice, and capability have been used, and largely interchangeably. A commonality across all three is the presence of activities—things that have to be done with a consistent approach and, in many cases, in a particular sequence. The same is true for BRM. When speaking of BRM, consider it from two perspectives: as a role and as a capability. With respect to a role, a person could be assigned to carry out related activities, whereas a capability, for instance, has more to do with how an organization uses the concept to further an organization’s strategy. It is not unusual to see BRM represented as a department (capability) with a number of BRMs (roles) assigned to different parts of the business. This chapter provides a fundamental understanding of the subject. As the many BRM pundits would support, there is an entire body of knowledge and associated publications, amounting to hundreds of pages, on this subject.