How the CIO and CISO manage stress
While you can never make stress fully disappear, to survive, the CIO and CISO must be fully aware of the strains of the position. There is a need to be resilient and spring back into shape to avoid burnout and breakdowns.
Should you not have your own plans to manage this stress, it may get the better of you and shorten your tenure even further. When you consider how you match up the CIO to the CISO, this may provide you with some insights into stress management. Consider drawing an arrow between yourself and your counterpart, whether they are the CIO or the CISO. Being of a similar persona to your counterpart may lead to more harmony, but it could also lead to you competing for the same resources.
While not overanalyzing this, some simple mapping can help you both to find your common ground and potentially assist you to partner better together.

Figure 8.4 – How you align with your CIO/CISO
Each CIO/CISO will...