E-mail configuration
This section of the Settings area allows us to configure the type of e-mail integration used, and to manage the various integration points and methods:
The Email Configuration Settings section allows us to configure global settings for e-mail. This leads us back to the System Settings area, which we covered earlier in this chapter.
The Migrate Email Router Data area allows us to move our configuration from the E-mail router to the new Server-Side Synchronization available. For this functionality to work, you must have the old E-mail Router available, as well as the new Server-Side Synchronization enabled and configured, and the organization must be using HTTPS.
The Email Server Profiles section allows us to configure one or more profiles for e-mail handling. We can configure both exchange and POP3-SMTP servers for integration with Dynamics CRM. This allows us to cover configuration for various types of e-mail servers, including public e-mail service from other third-party...