Creating reports
In this recipe, we will show you how to create reports in Zabbix. Zabbix provides us with some predefined reports, but we can also create our own reports.
Getting ready
For this, we need a Zabbix setup properly configured with the Zabbix super administration account.
How to do it...
The first step is quite easy; go to the Zabbix menu and Select Reports | Status of Zabbix. You will see the status overview of the system.
Another report is our availability report; this can be found under Reports | Availability report. We can filter in the top right corner by Host or by Trigger template from the box Mode. Press the Show filter button on top to fine tune the selection by host, host group, and period.
At the end of the page, there is a column Graph where we can click on the link Show after each host. This will show us a graph in green and red with the status of our item.
Yet another report is the Triggers top 100. This can be found under Reports | Triggers top 100. This report will...