Analytics in Xero
The best predictor of the future is the past. Using past data and trends, Xero will use AI to predict how your business will perform in the future. To accomplish this, Xero released Analytics and Analytics Plus. Analytics comes with a standard Early or Growing plan, whereas Analytics Plus, which is an expanded form of Analytics, requires an upgrade to the Established plan. Features that are included in the Analytics Plus version of short-term cash flow are not available in trial organizations. We will detail what is included in each of the features as we describe the features.
Short-term cash flow
As we previously said, cash is the lifeblood of business, and knowing your cash position is central to all business decisions. To help business owners, Xero has the Short-Term Cash Flow (STCF) tool. Let’s take a look at the tool in Xero. To get to STCF, we click on the Business menu, followed by the Short-term cash flow option below it.