Order of operations
As with many functional entities, Tableau also has an order of operations. It is the key to understanding how your visualization will respond to various influences.
Tableau’s order of operations is visualized and explained by Tableau in detail in this help section: https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/order_of_operations.htm.
Tableau does an incredible job of providing its explanation, but to provide its impact on your examination, we will share key takeaways for the examination, as follows:
- Adding filters in context is more powerful than any set, group, calculation, or LOD expression
Since parameters depend on one of these filters, context filters (or the most powerful worksheet filter) will neutralize any parameter. Please review https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/order_of_operations.htm to refresh your memory on how to create a filter in context.
- Fixed LOD expressions are the most powerful...