Joining the Salesforce community
Every passion has its community, where you will find like-minded people for whom the language you use at work does not sound like blah, blah, blah (shoutout to my wife, who hears me like that when I talk about my work – I will teach you Salesforce one day, honey). Just as Metallica fans have their meetups and concerts, and motorcycle enthusiasts have their events, so do we.
But let us start first with people. After all, it is us, the users, administrators, developers, architects, and many, many others who create new products and configurations and share ideas – yes, it is us who are the community. What is definitely unique in these groups is the willingness to help. During my adventure with Salesforce, I noticed that people from different international communities, when they meet, talk like old friends even though they are meeting each other for the first time. I remember my first Salesforce World Tour in Warsaw, where I met many people...