Time element modeling and management
Generally, representations of the date cover the year, month, and day elements. Some of them can be omitted, or a transformation can be made to express the relevant value. This standard proposes a definition for time elements as well. The principles and model properties are similar. It uses a 24-hour clock by pointing to the hour (HH
), minute (MI
), and second (SS
) elements. The time value is prefixed with T
. The basic format does not use padding; for example, T152217
. Instead, each element is composed of 2 digits. The extended format is more user-friendly, splitting individual parts into categories – for example, T15:22:17
. In both models, the character T
expresses the time representation but can be omitted for extended representation by applying a colon delimiter.
The hour value ranges from 00
to 24
. The minute value ranges from 00
to 59
, and finally, for seconds, the available range is from 00
to 60
(due to the leap second discussed...