Power Automate
In Power Automate, you can create automations and keep track of processes. These automations are called flows. There are different types of flows that you can create:
- Cloud flows: These are the types of flows we’re going to go through in this chapter. You can create an automated, instant, or scheduled flow.
- Desktop flows: These are robotic process automation (RPA) capabilities where you can automate tasks in an application or on your desktop. These will not be covered in this chapter.
- Business process flows (BPFs): You can find BPFs in several areas of the CRM applications in Dynamics 365. You can see this in the opportunity in Sales and the event record in Marketing. They are the process bars that you can see on top of the event records. This is where you can add the tasks you want the users to complete before moving to the next stage. We will not cover BPFs in this chapter.
- Process advisor flow: With this flow, you make recordings of different...