Implementing and running the database server
The database server can be hosted either on the same machine as the aggregator server or separately from the aggregator server. Whether the database server is hosted on the same machine or not, the code introduced here is still applicable to both cases. The database-related code is found in the fl_main/pseudodb
folder of the GitHub repository provided alongside this book.
Toward the configuration of the database
The following code is an example of the database-side configuration parameters saved as config_db.json
{ Â Â Â Â "db_ip": "localhost", Â Â Â Â "db_socket": "9017", Â Â Â Â "db_name": "sample_data", Â Â Â Â "db_data_path": "./db", Â Â Â Â "db_model_path": "./db/models" }
In particular, db_data_path
is the location of the SQLite database and...