AWS Snowball comes in a hardware form and can be used with the AWS dashboard or API. It is available in two different sizes, 50 TB and 80 TB. It can be used to transfer petabytes (PB) of data into and from AWS S3. Dedicated Snowball software is made available by AWS to perform data transfer in a compressed, encrypted, and secure manner. You can attach multiple AWS Snowball devices at the same time to an on-premises network backbone. Perform the following steps to obtain AWS Snowball:
- Sign in to your AWS account and create a job inside the AWS Snowball management console. While creating a job, you need to provide information such as shipping details to receive Snowball device(s), job details mentioning the region, the AWS S3 bucket name, and so on. You also need to provide security details such as the ARN of the AWS IAM role and master key from AWS KMS.
- Once the job...