Removing a host from the VMware vCenter Server
To remove a host from your vCenter Server inventory, you have to use the Remove-VMHost
cmdlet. The
cmdlet has the following syntax:
Remove-VMHost [-VMHost] <VMHost[]> [-Server <VIServer[]>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Let's try to remove a host as seen in the following screenshot:
The operation failed because the host should have been in maintenance mode or a disconnected state before you could remove it.
So let's put the host in maintenance mode first and then try to remove it:
PowerCLI C:\> $VMHost = Get-VMHost –Name PowerCLI C:\> $VMHost | Set-VMHost -State Maintenance Name ConnectionState PowerState NumCpu CpuUsageMhz ---- --------------- ---------- ------ ----------- Maintenance PoweredOn 2 41 PowerCLI C:\> $VMHost | Remove-VMHost -Confirm:$false
The preceding command sets the host in maintenance...