Learning the Buzz menu options
The Buzz main menu options are in the Buzz pane header, as seen in Figure 13.1:

Figure 13.1 – Buzz main menu options
The following are descriptions of each option:
- Toggle Buzz Pane: Hide and show the Buzz pane.
- Buzz Main Menu Options: The drop-down menu showing the available options.
- Universal Compose: Access to create a new Buzz message regardless of which Buzz pane is active.
- Update your status: Select your public collaboration availability; status options are Available, Busy, Away, and Out of office. For the Out of office status, a delegate can be set up.
- Status indicator: A colored dot is automatically updated by the system indicating a user's activity in Domo, where green is active, yellow is inactive, and gray is logged out of Domo. A customizable status message is available to provide more information to users viewing your status.
- Toggle Full-screen: Switch Buzz from the right...