Balance is the placement of elements within your design so that it has equal weight on either side – this will give your design a pleasing look. Each and every element that you add to a design has a weight, which is how much space it takes up on the design. You can liken it to decorating your office – you wouldn’t put all of the furniture in one corner or all of your pictures on one wall, rather you would spread them out in a way that makes the room look equal and cozy.
Without balance, your design can look messy and might not catch a viewer’s eye.
Symmetrical designs are the most popular and create an equally weighted design. For example, this design has a symmetrical look and feel because it has its elements spaced equally throughout the top and bottom:

Figure 7.6 – Balanced floral design
Alternatively, you could go the opposite way and have a larger weighted element on one side and a cluster of smaller...