Discovering the Buzz Conversation Detail pane
The Conversation Detail pane is opened from the Conversation pane by clicking … in the Conversation pane header. The Conversation Detail pane has features as seen in Figure 13.16:
The following are descriptions of the Conversation Detail pane features:
- Detail Pane is the panel brought up from the Conversation pane that displays the conversation's details.
- Hide/Show Section opens and collapses the sections in the Detail pane.
- Share link provides a copyable link to the conversation.
- Import email brings an email into the conversation as a message.
- Follow/Unfollow adds or removes the conversation from your Buzz Navigation pane.
- Favorite/Unfavorite sets or removes the conversation as a favorite.
- Notification Settings opens a window to control Buzz notification preferences.
- Attachments shows the attachments in the conversation...