More data is being collected today than ever before, and right now, you have access to continually updated free geospatial data that is truly open. While there are still premium data offers in the marketplace, the amount of data in Open Data on AWS is truly remarkable. Most geospatial use cases can benefit from incorporating this publicly available data into proprietary location-based data. You have seen how this can be accomplished on AWS, providing simple access that is cost-efficient. For your production geospatial workloads, cloud-based geospatial data provides the fastest possible way to move and transform large datasets.
Others around the world are constantly creating and maintaining highly accurate point-of-interest datasets. This open source community has created an entity called OpenStreetMap, which has raised the bar in global crowd-sourced geospatial data. In the next chapter, we will explore the world through an OpenStreetMap lens by leveraging cloud resources...