Implementing an Apple environment for Flutter
To build and deploy Flutter applications on Apple Store Connect, you need to use the various tasks in an Azure pipeline, as discussed earlier in this chapter. To reduce the time needed for mobile application deployment process, it is necessary to construct the Apple Store deployment pipeline. To do this, you can follow these steps:
- Create a pipeline file called
and paste the following code snippets:- The first part of the YAML file is for preparing all variables that will use the entirety of this Azure pipeline. It also declares the operating system for building this file, which is the latest version of macOS:
trigger: none pool:   vmImage: "macos-latest" variables:   - group: secrets   - name: iosReleaseDir     value: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/flutter/hello_world/build/ios/ipa   - name: ipaFile     value: $...
- The first part of the YAML file is for preparing all variables that will use the entirety of this Azure pipeline. It also declares the operating system for building this file, which is the latest version of macOS: