The goal of this Captivate project is to teach students how to use AME to convert a QuickTime movie (with a .mov extension) to a 400x300 pixels dimension video (with a .mp4 extension). This scenario follows the exact same steps as those used in the demonstration and simulation in the first chapter. Make sure that the audio system of your computer is turned on before rehearsing the following scenario. Here are the steps:
- Go to the Adobe Media Encoder application.
- Under the Queue panel, click the + icon on the top left corner.
- Browse to the Chapter08\video\MOV folder of the exercise files.
- Select the QuickTime movie and click Open.
- Open the Format drop-down list and be sure the H.264 format is selected.
- Open the Preset drop-down list and apply the YouTube 480p SD preset.
- Click the hyperlink of the preset name to open the Export Settings dialog.
- Go to the Video tab in the lower right area of the Export Settings dialog.
- Make sure the Maintain Aspect...