You will now create the last slide of the Template. Because it is very similar to the first slide, you will duplicate the first slide, move the duplicated slide to the end of the Template, and change the text content of the title Smart Shape using the following steps:
- In the Filmstrip panel, select the first slide of the Template.
- Use the Ctrl + D (Windows)/command + D (Mac) shortcut to duplicate the selected slide.
- In the Filmstrip panel, drag the duplicated Intro Slide to the very end of the project. After this action, the duplicated slide is the sixth and last slide of the Template.
- Use the Properties inspector to change the name of that last slide to Ending slide.
- Double-click the Title placeholder and type Thank you for taking this online course with us.
- Resize the title Smart shape so that the text fits on the slide.
Eighth rule enforced! The last slide of the Template is very similar to the first one, with a nice closing comment.