Diving into capacity modes
The capacity mode of a DynamoDB table (and its secondary indexes) is a configuration that decides how throughput is or can be managed for a particular table, including how you are charged for that throughput as well as the amount of operational overhead that may be required. Capacity mode is one of the required configurations when creating a new DynamoDB table, although it can be modified throughout the lifetime of a table.
Regardless of the capacity mode chosen for a table, DynamoDB table data may be supported by one or more underlying partitions. At the time of publishing, each partition can physically support about 1,000 writes and 3,000 reads per second, or about 10 GB of data. These partitions may split as the throughput or storage requirements grow for a table and are completely managed by DynamoDB, with users having no visibility or control over the partitions directly. More about these partitions and how it all works under the hood is discussed...