The importance of predicting role evolution
You must be forward-looking with your hiring, incubation, and mobility tactics. The world is moving fast with new technologies emerging and evolving in the blink of an eye. The situation does generate business opportunities, but also requires adaptability for these opportunities to be pursuable. Certain DevOps roles and professions might advance, stagnate, or be eliminated in the years to come. Do you need to hire skills that you might not need in 2 years? Being able to predict (or follow) the future developments of DevOps professions is decisive. Using your current DevOps roles and professions as a baseline, you need to ensure that your current hiring and incubation actions will make your organization fit for future purposes. Perfect data you will not have, but you will definitely have a good number of intelligent technologies that can predict how your DevOps-related professions may evolve in the future. The following figure provides a representative...