The power of the Drag and Drop interaction goes way beyond this first example. In the next exercise, you will explore the Drag and Drop inspector and use it to fine-tune the Drag and Drop you created in the previous section:
- Make sure you are on slide 19 of the Chapter05/taketheTrain.cptx project.
- Select the train ticket image.
- Open the Drag And Drop inspector. It is located on the right edge of the screen, next to the Properties inspector and the Timing panel.
If the Drag and Drop inspector is not visible, use the Window | Drag and Drop to display it.
The Drag and Drop inspector contains the options pertaining to the Drag and Drop interaction. The Drag and Drop Interaction wizard you used in the previous section only gives you access to a small subset of these options. The Drag and Drop inspector is divided into three tabs. At the very top of the Drag and Drop inspector, notice the trashcan icon that allows...