A student dropout prediction
In Chapter 3, Linear Regression with TensorFlow, you began your journey using TensorFlow to build a salary prediction model. Your boss was impressed, and now that you are fully settled in the data team, your manager wants you to work with a new client. Your job is to help them build a model that will predict whether a student will drop out of university or not, as this will help them support such students, thus preventing them from dropping out of school. Your manager has given you authorization and the task is now yours. For this task, historical data was made available to you by your client. Just like in Chapter 3, Linear Regression with TensorFlow, you had a rewarding chat with the client, and you identified the task as a binary classification problem. Let’s open the notebook labeled Classification with TensorFlow
from the GitHub repository and get started.
Loading the data
Let’s start by loading the historical data that we received...