Rikulo UI
(http://rikulo.org/projects/ui has been developed by Potix Corporation; the code is on GitHub https://github.com/rikulo/ui/.)
This is a Dart-based framework using an MVC architecture for web and native mobile applications using HTML5. Already in its 0.6.7 release (June 2013), and also integrating the DQuery and Bootjack projects, it is probably the most elaborate Dart UI framework available today. The apps built with Rikulo not only run in a modern web browser without any plugin, but can also be built as native mobile applications accessing the device's resources transparently through a Cordova (Phonegap) integration called Rikulo Gap. Rikulo Gap runs these resources cross-platform (and offline if needed) in iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, and others. It has been ported from Cordova to Dart and is a library for accessing the phone's resources; it can be used with any UI framework. Rikulo brings the programming philosophy of Dart to the UI by using a structured UI model...