Modeling the lid
Like the jar part of this project, we can model the lid using just about any shape we would like. While the lid and the jar do not need to be symmetrical to one another, I find that using the same shape for both parts can make for an aesthetically pleasing result. As such, I will be creating the lid based on the eight-sided polygon used for the jar created previously:
- The first step for modeling the lid is to grab a shape to create the lid with. I have chosen to copy the jar to use as a starting point for my lid, as shown in Figure 17.7:

Figure 17.7: Copying the jar to start creating the lid
- Next, we can flatten the lid polygon to be less tall, though the lid can be as tall as you would like as this is not a critical dimension. I have chosen to dimension the height of my lid part to be 15 mm, as shown in Figure 17.8:

Figure 17.8: Dimensioning the height of the lid
- Lastly, we do not...