Project – Build a VPC to Host the Todo List Application
So far, you have built a Cognito user pool and an Amazon S3 bucket configured to host the frontend static website of your application. As per the following architecture diagram, you now need to build out a VPC that will be used to host a wide range of additional AWS resources to support the core infrastructure for the application. These include the following:
- Network components such as NAT gateways and load balancers
- Compute services such as EC2 instances
- Database services such as Amazon RDS instances
The following diagram depicts and highlights the network portion of the application architecture, which was discussed in Chapter 2, Securing Access with AWS Identity and Access Management, in Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.9 – Project to build a VPC to host the Todo List application
You will note that the VPC comprises several components:
- Region – You will build...