Style guide
The Clojure team did not publish an official style guide on their website, but there's a community-driven document available at
Some of the more important rules discussed in the document are:
- For indentation, generally use two spaces.
- In a function definition with
, place the function name and input parameters on a single line and the body on a new line:
(defn function1 [input] ( ...function calls here... )
- When a parameter does not fit on one line, align it vertically. Use one space:
(defn function2 [] (str "Hello" " and goodbye"))
- Don't put commas between elements in a list.
- Use good taste when coding hash-maps. When you have multiple key/value pairs on the same line, use a comma to separate them.
- Do not put trailing parentheses on their own line (in the
example we just saw, the last line closed both the parameters and the function blocks). - Linux newlines (LF) are...