In this chapter, we implemented a simple web service with Groovy, using various technologies. We started by installing the Groovy Eclipse plugin for Eclipse IDE and the Apache IvyDE plugin for Eclipse for dependency management. We embedded the H2 DBMS in our application and communicated with it using the JDBC industry standard. We created two tables and populated both the tables with an example record. We generated an XML based on the database content by using Groovy's MarkupBuilder
class, a class that is made possible because Groovy is a dynamic programming language. We initially created a simple console program, but after exploring the Vert.x framework, we changed it into a web service.
By now, we have covered all the five main languages that are covered in this book: Java, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, and Groovy. We hope that this book helped you find your favorite JVM language. There are even more JVM languages available, though. The appendix will discuss some dialects of mainstream...