Using the timer instruction
The timer instruction is a delay instruction. It can be used to delay an operation. Several timers exist; the common ones are the ON-delay timer (TON) and the OFF-delay timer (TOF).
An ON-delay timer (TON) activates an output when the input is ON for a specified amount of time.
Let’s write a simple program to demonstrate the ON-delay timer using the following steps:
- On a new network, add a normally open instruction and specify an address, for example, I0.0.
- On the right-hand side of the programming environment, click Instructions | Timer operation, drag the TON (ON-delay timer) instruction to the rung/network, and type a name, for example,
, as shown in the following screenshot. Click OK:

Figure 9.36 – How to use the timer instruction – Call options dialog box
- Double-click the question marks (???) at PT (programmed time) and type the time you want, Q (output), to become energized...