Amazon Route 53
Amazon Route 53 is the AWS managed service for managing DNS for your AWS cloud platform. As a global service, Route 53 has servers all over the world, making it highly available and fully managed by AWS.
The 53 in Route 53 refers to the port that DNS operates on!
Route 53 provides three main functions for your DNS requirements:
- DNS resolution: Route internet traffic to your AWS resources
- Domain name registration: Purchase a domain name for use with your web applications
- Monitor the health of your resources: Route 53 will automatically send requests to your resources to ensure it can forward requests to them
You will learn more about each of these features in the coming sections. You will begin with DNS resolution.
Route 53 DNS Resolution
For Route 53 to route internet traffic to your resources, you need to have created a hosted zone. A hosted zone is a concept that’s unique to Route 53 and is essentially a collection...