Adding blocks to enhance a theme
Once the content is organized, we may customize the theme or change the theme that we are using. We have already dealt with themes in Chapter 2, Themes in Moodle 3 and MoodleCloud, therefore in this section we will not be changing the theme, but we will be adding elements to it. The elements that we will add are blocks. Blocks are where the instructional material is incorporated.
One of the reasons for choosing a specific theme for a course is the target audience. In the previous example, the audience are Moodlers who would like to learn about course formats, so we can add some blocks to the theme in order to enhance the look and feel of the Moodle course.
There are several types of blocks, which can be added to the Moodle course. We can enhance the course in a simple way by adding useful elements within blocks for the user of the course. We enter our Moodle course and log in, and afterwards when we click on Turn editing on, an option appears to add a block...