Cheat sheet
This cheat sheet summarizes the main key points from this chapter:
- SCT is used to assess and convert a database from one engine into another for a heterogeneous migration.
- SCT can also be used to assess a homogenous migration in RDS to highlight features that are not supported in your source database.
- Once you have converted a schema using SCT, you can use DMS to migrate the data into the empty schema and tables.
- DMS can also be used to create a schema in your target database, but you have no control over the data types that are created in the table.
- DMS can be used in both full load and CDC mode.
- To run a DMS task, you need a replication instance, a source endpoint, and a target endpoint.
- You can run multiple tasks to migrate a single source database to improve performance.
- For very large databases or complex conversions, you can use AWS Snowball Edge with SCT and DMS to assist with the migration.