Rearranging the workflow transition bar
By default, workflow transitions are displayed based on the order in which they are defined in the workflow (as listed in the Text mode)-the first two transitions will be shown as buttons, and the remaining transitions will be added to the Workflow menu.
This sequence is determined by the order in which the transitions are added, so you cannot change that. But you can rearrange them by using the opsbar-sequence
In this recipe, we will move the Frozen transition out from the Workflow menu and to its own transition button so that the users can easily access it.
How to do it...
Perform the following steps to rearrange the order of transitions to be displayed in the issue transition bar:
Select and edit the workflow to configure.
Select the Frozen global transition.
Click on the View Properties button.
for Property Name and the value30
in Property Value and click on Add.Click on Publish Draft to apply the change.
As shown in the...