Tuples are one of the simplest data types and data structures in Julia. They can have any length and can contain any kind of value—but they are immutable. Once created, a tuple cannot be modified. A tuple can be created using the literal tuple notation, by wrapping the comma-separated values within brackets (...):
(1, 2, 3)
julia> ("a", 4, 12.5) ("a", 4, 12.5)
In order to define a one-element tuple, we must not forget the trailing comma:
julia> (1,) (1,)
But it's OK to leave off the parenthesis:
julia> 'e', 2 ('e', 2) julia> 1, (1,)
We can index into tuples to access their elements:
julia> lang = ("Julia", v"1.0") ("Julia", v"1.0.0") julia> lang[2] v"1.0.0"
Vectorized dot operations also work with tuples:
julia> (3,4) ...