Several packages exist to plot data and visualize data relations;Â Plots and PyPlot are some of the most commonly used:
- PyPlot: (refer to the Installing and working with Jupyter section in Chapter 1, Installing the Julia Platform) This package works with no overhead through the PyCall package. The following is a summary of the main commands:
- plot(y), plot(x,y) plots y versus 0,1,2,3 or versus x:loglog(x,y)
- semilogx(x,y), semilogy(x,y) for log scale plots
- title("A title"), xlabel("x-axis"), and ylabel("foo") to set labels
- legend(["curve 1", "curve 2"], "northwest") to write a legend at the upper-left
- grid(), axis( "equal") adds grid lines, and uses equal x and y scaling
- title(L"the curve $e^\sqrt{x}$") sets the title with a LaTeX equation
- savefig( "fig.png"), savefig...