Accepting new content requests
New content is the lifeblood of a healthy data democracy. There will always be the next question to be answered and we need an effective way to capture and prioritize all the requests. To get a feel for the magnitude of demand, in a $2 billion manufacturing enterprise, there was a backlog of over 30,000 distinct requests created in a year for information. Not surprisingly, the users stopped requesting information because, at the time, the capacity to deliver was 10 requests a month. Yes, depressing isn't it? As great as the Domo platform is, there is a lot of pent-up demand in organizations for information. It is wise to have a strong request, review, prioritize, and assign or reject procedure in place to focus the energy applied to answering relevant questions.
Fortunately, the Domo platform includes tools to capture and manage requests. Using Projects and Tasks, we can set up work queues for vetting requests and migrating requests to the best...