The Quad Transform node
The Quad Transform node allows you to distort the connected node either using the mouse or changing the parameters in the PROPERTIES window. Let us try to add a shape over the brick wall and distort it using the Quad Transform node and blend it using the Blend node:
- In the GRAPH window, add the Star and Quad Transform Grayscale nodes – we will use the grayscale version of Quad Transform because the Star node is grayscale per se. Then, connect the Star node’s output to Quad Transform Grayscale node’s input, as shown in Figure 8.33:
Figure 8.33 – Adding the Star and Quad Transform Grayscale nodes
- Now, we have to blend the Star node using a secondary color with the brick wall. Therefore, add a Blend node and a different Uniform Color (as shown in Figure 8.34), so that we can blend the Star, existing Gradient Map color, and a different Uniform Color:
Figure 8.34 –...