Data-driven testing allows you to do a lot more with your tests. It allows you to create test cases in external sources and then use those test cases to drive your tests. It also lets you leverage the power of automation much more effectively. With just a few tests, you can try out many different inputs and variations and learn a lot about the system under test. Data-driven testing is one of those testing techniques that you can really only use with automation and it is techniques like this that make automation so useful.
In this chapter, I have given you a good grounding in understanding what data-driven testing is and when it makes sense to use it. I have shown you how to set up data inputs and how to think about and use outputs in data-driven testing. You have also learned how to apply this all in Postman and seen how to create data inputs that Postman can use. In addition, you have seen how to add tests that can get variables that are defined in an external file and...