The web app shown in the previous section allowed us to view filtered data in a single page. If you now run the project in the crud folder, you will see a much more rich and useful web page:

The Id edit box and the Find button to its right are used to open a page that allows you to view or edit the data of a person with a specific ID.
The Name portion edit box and the Filter button to its right are for filtering the table below it, in a similar way as in the list project.
Then, there are two buttons—one for deleting data and one for adding data.
Lastly, there is the filtered table of the people. In this app, the initial state of the database is an empty list of people and so no HTML table is shown.
Let's create some people.
Click on the Add New Person push button. You will see the following window:

This is the page used to create a person and insert them into the database. The Id field is disabled because its value will be generated automatically. To insert...