Study strategies
Study strategies for Salesforce don’t differ much from strategies you might adopt when learning any other IT solution, in my opinion. To become proficient with a tool, you simply need to work with it extensively! Simple, right? But what if you want to learn Salesforce but don’t use it regularly at work? The answer to this question is quite straightforward. You should change your job to one where you use Salesforce! Of course, this is somewhat of a joke because without knowing Salesforce, it’s challenging to land a job related to the platform unless it’s as a user. So, what should you do? There’s nothing groundbreaking to say here – you just need to find time to click around Salesforce on your test environment (Development or Trailhead). When I was learning Salesforce, I was fortunate enough to have a company I previously worked for decide to implement it, and I participated in the implementation before eventually administering...