This section reviews some classic machines from the history of automated computing devices and focuses on the major advances each embodied. Babbage's Analytical Engine is included here because of the many leaps of genius contained in its design. The other systems are discussed because they embodied significant technological advances and performed substantial real-world work over their lifetimes.
Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine
Although a working model of the Analytical Engine was never constructed, the detailed notes Charles Babbage developed from 1834 until his death in 1871 described a computing architecture that appeared to be both workable and complete. The Analytical Engine was intended to serve as a general-purpose programmable computing device. The design was entirely mechanical and was to be constructed largely of brass. It was designed to be driven by a shaft powered by a steam engine.
Borrowing from the punched cards of the Jacquard loom, the rotating studded barrels used in music boxes, and the technology of his earlier Difference Engine (also never completed in his lifetime, and more of a specialized calculating device than a computer), the Analytical Engine design was, otherwise, Babbage's original creation.
Unlike most modern computers, the Analytical Engine represented numbers in signed decimal form. The decision to use base-10 numbers rather than the base-2 logic of most modern computers was the result of a fundamental difference between mechanical technology and digital electronics. It is straightforward to construct mechanical wheels with ten positions, so Babbage chose the human-compatible base-10 format because it was not significantly more technically challenging than using some other number base. Simple digital circuits, on the other hand, are not capable of maintaining ten different states with the ease of a mechanical wheel.
All numbers in the Analytical Engine consisted of 40 decimal digits. The large number of digits was likely selected to reduce problems with numerical overflow. The Analytical Engine did not support floating-point mathematics.
Each number was stored on a vertical axis containing 40 wheels, with each wheel capable of resting in ten positions corresponding to the digits 0-9. A 41st number wheel contained the sign: any even number on this wheel represented a positive sign and any odd number represented a negative sign. The Analytical Engine axis was somewhat analogous to the register used in modern processors except the readout of an axis was destructive. If it was necessary to retain an axis's value after it had been read, another axis had to store a copy of the value. Numbers were transferred from one axis to another, or used in computations, by engaging a gear with each digit wheel and rotating the wheel to read out the numerical value. The axes serving as system memory were referred to collectively as the store.
The addition of two numbers used a process somewhat similar to the method of addition taught to schoolchildren. Assume a number stored on one axis, let's call it the addend, was to be added to a number on another axis, let's call it the accumulator. The machine would connect each addend digit wheel to the corresponding accumulator digit wheel through a train of gears. It would then simultaneously rotate each addend digit downward to zero while driving the accumulator digit an equivalent rotation in the increasing direction. If an accumulator digit wrapped around from nine to zero, the next most significant accumulator digit would increment by one. This carry operation would propagate across as many digits as needed (think of adding 1 to 999,999). By the end of the process, the addend axis would hold the value zero and the accumulator axis would hold the sum of the two numbers. The propagation of carries from one digit to the next was the most mechanically complex part of the addition process.
Operations in the Analytical Engine were sequenced by music box-like rotating barrels in a construct called the mill, which is analogous to the processing component of a modern CPU. Each Analytical Engine instruction was encoded in a vertical row of locations on the barrel where the presence or absence of a stud at a particular location either engaged a section of the Engine's machinery or left the state of that section unchanged. Based on Babbage's hypothesized execution speed, the addition of two 40-digit numbers, including the propagation of carries, would take about three seconds.
Babbage conceived several important concepts for the Engine that remain relevant today. His design supported a degree of parallel processing that accelerated the computation of series of values for output as numerical tables. Mathematical operations such as addition supported a form of pipelining, in which sequential operations on different data values overlapped in time.
Babbage was well aware of the complexities associated with mechanical devices such as friction, gear backlash, and wear over time. To prevent errors caused by these effects, the Engine incorporated mechanisms called lockings that were applied during data transfers across axes. The lockings forced the number wheels into valid positions and prevented accumulated errors from allowing a wheel to drift to an incorrect value. The use of lockings is analogous to the amplification of potentially weak input signals to produce stronger outputs by the digital logic gates in modern processors.
The Analytical Engine was programmed using punched cards and supported branching operations and nested loops. The most complex program for the Analytical Engine was developed by Ada Lovelace to compute the Bernoulli numbers.
Babbage constructed a trial model of a portion of the Analytical Engine mill, which is currently on display at the Science Museum in London.
ENIAC, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, was completed in 1945 and was the first programmable general-purpose electronic computer. The system consumed 150 kilowatts of electricity, occupied 1,800 square feet of floor space, and weighed 27 tons.
The design was based on vacuum tubes, diodes, and relays. ENIAC contained over 17,000 vacuum tubes that functioned as switching elements. Similar to the Analytical Engine, it used base-10 representation of ten-digit decimal numbers implemented using ten-position ring counters (the ring counter will be discussed in Chapter 2, Digital Logic). Input data was received from an IBM punch-card reader and the output of computations was sent to a card punch machine.
The ENIAC architecture was capable of complex sequences of processing steps including loops, branches, and subroutines. The system had 20 ten-digit accumulators that were similar to registers in modern computers. However, it did not initially have any memory storage beyond the accumulators. If intermediate values were required for use in later computations, they had to be written to punch cards and read back in when needed. ENIAC could perform about 385 multiplications per second.
ENIAC programs consisted of plugboard wiring and switch-based function tables. Programming the system was an arduous process that often took the team of talented female programmers weeks to complete. Reliability was a problem, as vacuum tubes failed regularly, requiring troubleshooting on a day-to-day basis to isolate and replace failed tubes.
In 1948, ENIAC was improved by adding the ability to program the system via punch cards rather than plugboards. This improvement greatly enhanced the speed with which programs could be developed. As a consultant for this upgrade, John von Neumann proposed a processing architecture based on a single memory region containing program instructions and data, a processing component with an arithmetic logic unit and registers, and a control unit with an instruction register and a program counter. Many modern processors continue to implement this general structure, now known as the von Neumann architecture.
Early applications of ENIAC included analyses related to the development of the hydrogen bomb and the computation of firing tables for long-range artillery.
In the years following the construction of ENIAC, several technological breakthroughs resulted in remarkable advances in computer architectures:
- The invention of the transistor in 1947 by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley delivered a vast improvement over the vacuum tube technology prevalent at the time. Transistors were faster, smaller, consumed less power, and, once production processes had been sufficiently optimized, were much more reliable than the failure-prone tubes.
- The commercialization of integrated circuits in 1958, led by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments, began the process of combining large numbers of formerly discrete components onto a single chip of silicon.
- In 1971, Intel began production of the first commercially available microprocessor, the Intel 4004. The 4004 was intended for use in electronic calculators and was specialized to operate on 4-bit binary coded decimal digits.
From the humble beginning of the Intel 4004, microprocessor technology advanced rapidly over the ensuing decade by packing increasing numbers of circuit elements onto each chip and expanding the capabilities of the microprocessors implemented on the chips.
The 8088 microprocessor
IBM released the IBM PC in 1981. The original PC contained an Intel 8088 microprocessor running at a clock frequency of 4.77 MHz and featured 16 KB of RAM, expandable to 256 KB. It included one or, optionally, two floppy disk drives. A color monitor was also available. Later versions of the PC supported more memory, but because portions of the address space had been reserved for video memory and read-only memory, the architecture could support a maximum of 640 KB of RAM.
The 8088 contained fourteen 16-bit registers. Four were general purpose registers (AX, BX, CX, and DX.) Four were memory segment registers (CS, DS, SS, and ES) that extended the address space to 20 bits. Segment addressing functioned by adding a 16-bit segment register value, shifted left by four bit positions, to a 16-bit offset contained in an instruction to produce a physical memory address within a one megabyte range.
The remaining 8088 registers were the Stack Pointer (SP), the Base Pointer (BP), the Source Index (SI), the Destination Index (DI), the Instruction Pointer (IP), and the Status Flags (FLAGS). Modern x86 processers employ an architecture remarkably similar to this register set (Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets, will cover the details of the x86 architecture). The most obvious differences between the 8088 and x86 are the extension of the register widths to 32 bits in x86 and the addition of a pair of segment registers (FS and GS) that are used today primarily as data pointers in multithreaded operating systems.
The 8088 had an external data bus width of 8 bits, which meant it took two bus cycles to read or write a 16-bit value. This was a performance downgrade compared to the earlier 8086 processor, which employed a 16-bit external bus. However, the use of the 8-bit bus made the PC more economical to produce and provided compatibility with lower-cost 8-bit peripheral devices. This cost-sensitive design approach helped to reduce the purchase price of the PC to a level accessible to more potential customers.
Program memory and data memory shared the same address space, and the 8088 accessed memory over a single bus. In other words, the 8088 implemented the von Neumann architecture. The 8088 instruction set included instructions for data movement, arithmetic, logical operations, string manipulation, control transfer (conditional and unconditional jumps and subroutine call and return), input/output, and additional miscellaneous functions. The processor required about 15 clock cycles per instruction on average, resulting in an execution speed of 0.3 million instructions per second (MIPS).
The 8088 supported nine distinct modes for addressing memory. This variety of modes was needed to efficiently implement methods for accessing a single item at a time as well as for iterating through sequences of data.
The segment registers in the 8088 architecture provided a clever way to expand the range of addressable memory without increasing the length of most instructions referencing memory locations. Each segment register allowed access to a 64-kilobyte block of memory beginning at a physical memory address defined at a multiple of 16 bytes. In other words, the 16-bit segment register represented a 20-bit base address with the lower four bits set to zero. Instructions could then reference any location within the 64-kilobyte segment using a 16-bit offset from the address defined by the segment register.
The CS register selected the code segment location in memory and was used in fetching instructions and performing jumps and subroutine calls and returns. The DS register defined the data segment location for use by instructions involving the transfer of data to and from memory. The SS register set the stack segment location, which was used for local memory allocation within subroutines and for storing subroutine return addresses.
Programs that required less than 64-kilobyte in each of the code, data, and stack segments could ignore the segment registers entirely because those registers could be set once at program startup (compilers would do this automatically) and remain unchanged through execution. Easy!
Things got quite a bit more complicated when a program's data size increased beyond 64-kilobyte. Compilers for the 8088 architecture distinguished between near and far references to memory. A near pointer represented a 16-bit offset from the current segment register base address. A far pointer contained 32 bits of addressing information: a 16-bit segment register value and a 16-bit offset. Far pointers obviously required 16 bits of extra data memory and they required additional processing time. Making a single memory access using a far pointer involved the following steps:
- Save the current segment register contents to a temporary location.
- Load the new segment value into the register.
- Access the data (read or write as needed) using an offset from the segment base.
- Restore the original segment register value.
When using far pointers, it was possible to declare data objects (for example, an array of characters) up to 64 KB in size. If you needed a larger structure, you had to work out how to break it into chunks no larger than 64 KB and manage them yourself. As a result of these segment register manipulations, programs that required extensive access to data larger than 64 KB were susceptible to code size bloat and slower execution.
The IBM PC motherboard also contained a socket for an optional Intel 8087 floating-point coprocessor. The designers of the 8087 invented data formats and processing rules for 32-bit and 64-bit floating point numbers that became enshrined in 1985 as the IEEE 754 floating-point standard, which remains in near-universal use today. The 8087 could perform about 50,000 floating-point operations per second. We will look at floating-point processors in detail in Chapter 9, Specialized Processor Extensions.
The 80286 and 80386 microprocessors
The second generation of the IBM PC, the PC AT, was released in 1984. AT stood for Advanced Technology and referred to several significant enhancements over the original PC that mostly resulted from the use of the Intel 80286 processor.
Like the 8088, the 80286 was a 16-bit processor, and it maintained backward compatibility with the 8088: 8088 code could run unmodified on the 80286. The 80286 had a 16-bit data bus and 24 address lines supporting a 16-megabyte address space. The external data bus width was 16 bits, improving data access performance over the 8-bit bus of the 8088. The instruction execution rate (instructions per clock cycle) was about double the 8088 in many applications. This meant that at the same clock speed the 80286 would be twice as fast as the 8088. The original PC AT clocked the processor at 6 MHz and a later version operated at 8 MHz. The 6 MHz variant of the 80286 achieved an instruction execution rate of about 0.9 MIPS.
The 80286 implemented a protected virtual address mode intended to support multiuser operating systems and multitasking. In protected mode, the processor enforced memory protection to ensure one user's programs could not interfere with the operating system or with other users' programs. This groundbreaking technological advance remained little used for many years, mainly because of the prohibitive cost of adding sufficient memory to a computer system to make it useful in a multiuser, multitasking context.
The next generation of the x86 processor line was the 80386, introduced in 1985. The 80386 was a 32-bit processor with support for a flat 32-bit memory model in protected mode. The flat memory model allowed programmers to address up to 4 GB directly, without the need to manipulate segment registers. Compaq introduced an IBM PC-compatible personal computer based on the 80386 called the DeskPro in 1986. The DeskPro shipped with a version of Microsoft Windows targeted to the 80386 architecture.
The 80386 maintained a large degree of backward compatibility with the 80286 and 8088 processors. The design implemented in the 80386 remains the current standard x86 architecture. Much more about this architecture will be covered in Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets.
The initial version of the 80386 was clocked at 33 MHz and achieved about 11.4 MIPS. Modern implementations of the x86 architecture run several hundred times faster than the original as the result of higher clock speeds, performance enhancements such as extensive use of cache memory, and more efficient instruction execution at the hardware level.
The iPhone
In 2007, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone to a world that had no idea it had any use for such a device. The iPhone built upon previous revolutionary advances from Apple Computer including the Macintosh computer in 1984 and the iPod music player in 2001. The iPhone combined the functions of the iPod, a mobile telephone, and an Internet-connected computer.
The iPhone did away with the hardware keyboard that was common on smartphones of the time and replaced it with a touchscreen capable of displaying an on-screen keyboard or any other type of user interface. The screen was driven by the user's fingers and supported multi-finger gestures for actions such as zooming a photo.
The iPhone ran the OS X operating system, the same OS used on the flagship Macintosh computers of the time. This decision immediately enabled the iPhone to support a vast range of applications already developed for Macs and empowered software developers to rapidly introduce new applications tailored to the iPhone, once Apple began allowing third-party application development.
The iPhone 1 had a 3.5" screen with a resolution of 320x480 pixels. It was 0.46 inches thick (thinner than other smartphones), had a 2-megapixel camera built in, and weighed 4.8 oz. A proximity sensor detected when the phone was held to the user's ear and turned off screen illumination and touchscreen sensing during calls. It had an ambient light sensor to automatically set the screen brightness and an accelerometer detected whether the screen was being held in portrait or landscape orientation.
The iPhone 1 included 128 MB of RAM, 4 GB, 8 GB, or 16 GB of flash memory, and supported Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) cellular communication, Wi-Fi (802.11b/g), and Bluetooth.
In contrast to the abundance of openly available information about the IBM PC, Apple was notoriously reticent about releasing the architectural details of the iPhone's construction. Apple released no information about the processor or other internal components of the first iPhone, simply calling it a closed system.
Despite the lack of official information from Apple, other parties have enthusiastically torn down the various iPhone models and attempted to identify the phone's components and how they interconnect. Software sleuths have devised various tests to attempt to determine the specific processor model and other digital devices implemented in the iPhone. These reverse engineering efforts are subject to error, so descriptions of the iPhone architecture in this section should be taken with a grain of salt.
The iPhone 1 processor was a 32-bit ARM11 manufactured by Samsung running at 412 MHz. The ARM11 was an improved variant of previous generation ARM processors and included an 8-stage instruction pipeline and support for Single Instruction-Multiple Data (SIMD) processing to improve audio and video performance. The ARM processor architecture will be discussed further in Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets.
The iPhone 1 was powered by a 3.7V lithium-ion polymer battery. The battery was not intended to be replaceable, and Apple estimated it would lose about 20 percent of its original capacity after 400 charge and discharge cycles. Apple quoted up to 250 hours of standby time and 8 hours of talk time on a single charge.
Six months after the iPhone was introduced, Time magazine named the iPhone the "Invention of the Year" for 2007. In 2017, Time ranked the 50 Most Influential Gadgets of All Time. The iPhone topped the list.