Learning the Frequentist framework statistics
So what is the Frequentist framework? We discussed the p values before, they are a segment of the Frequentist framework. But the Frequentist framework is much more. As its name says, the Frequentist framework is based on frequencies or repetitions of sampling in order to estimate the parameters we are looking for, in this case biological parameters. The main aspect of the frequentist framework is that what is inferred statistically is founded on the principle of repeated sampling. This ensures that the main focus of results is on their reproducibility and scientific defensibility.
Frequentist framework is the most commonly used framework in Biostatistics. Most analyses in biology, clinical research, bioinformatics and other life science areas are indeed implemented in the frequentist framework. It has been a standard for decades and it still is in most research areas. This is mainly due to the nature of the Frequentist framework. It...