Rollup fields
In the same category as features with Calculated fields is the Rollup fields. Generating this type of field is quite similar to adding Calculated fields. The purpose of Rollup fields is to aggregate data from multiple child records. This addition is extremely helpful to reduce a lot of previous code complexity when performing such actions. An example is calculating the number of closed Opportunities in the last six months. In previous versions before Rollup fields were available, this scenario was handled by a develop function creating this functionality custom through code. Now, this can be replaced with a simple customization.
Adding a Rollup field is an option made available to only certain field data types. The ones that do not accept Rollup field are as follows:
Single Line of Text
Option Set
Two Options
Floating Point Number
Multiple Lines of Text
Selecting a data type that supports Rollup Field allows us to select the Field Type as Rollup, as shown...