Further reading
Here, you can find the sources to expand your knowledge about the specific concepts in this chapter:
- Role of internal audit in DevOps – This article discusses the key challenges and associated controls related to DevOps including CI/CD: https://kpmg.com/kpmg-us/content/dam/kpmg/pdf/2020/role-of-internal-audit-in-devops.pdf.
- This article outlines the audit controls for pipelines, and how to produce automated audit reports: https://www.devopsinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/CICD-21-AndersWallgren-SlideDeck.pdf.
- Bajpai, G., and Schuetz, T. (2023). Strategizing continuous delivery in the cloud: Implement continuous delivery using modern cloud-native technology. Packt Publishing Ltd.