Preparing cameras for shooting
Unreal Engine provides a comprehensive set of tools and features that cater to real-world filmmaking needs. Once you’ve set up your camera, the next step is to prepare for the shooting session. One method that’s used by real-world filmmakers to achieve smooth and sweeping shots is by utilizing Camera Rigs: apparatuses that securely attach the camera to specific setups. In Unreal Engine, you can take advantage of Rail and Crane rigs, which allow you to create lifelike camera movements, adding a touch of realism to your scenes.
Now, let’s take a closer look at what you should consider before embarking on your shooting session.
Locking your camera (only for static images)
This isn’t an actual rig, just some helpful tips. Is your scene using only a static camera? If so, you mainly need to be cautious about unintentional movements. So, why not lock the camera’s transform? To do this, simply select the camera and...